You’ve heard many times that exercise and fitness are good for you. That is absolutely true, but not just for losing weight. Here are the top 30 benefits of following a fitness plan.

Let’s begin with some of the benefits affecting your overall health:

  1. Lower risk of heart disease
  2. Lower risk of osteoporosis
  3. Increased stamina
  4. Improved sleep
  5. Lower blood pressure
  6. Less stress
  7. Higher levels of serotonin in the brain
  8. Lower risk of arthritis
  9. Faster recovery
  10. Stronger immune system

Additionally a fitness plan can greatly improve joints:

  1. Exercise can increase the connective tissue around ligaments to prevent injury
  2. Cuts down chances of swelling in and around the joint
  3. Builds the muscles around to help support the joint

Then there are the vanity benefits to a fitness plan:

  1. Clothes fit better
  2. Improve on looks
  3. More options when looking for clothing options
  4. Higher self esteem
  5. More self confidence

Next you have athletic performance benefits of a fitness plan:

  1. Running faster
  2. Building more lean muscle
  3. Jump higher
  4. Increased endurance
  5. Improved game ability
  6. More adaptable
  7. Increased overall ability

A strong part of any good fitness plan includes diet which provides the following benefits:

  1. Lower cholesterol
  2. Less body fat
  3. More energy
  4. Better sleep
  5. Improved digestion

There are many more benefits as well, so it only makes sense to do yourself a favor and start following a solid fitness plan today and stick to it. You will be glad you did.