When training for multiple months at a time it is not uncommon to hit a plateau, where you stop seeing progress out of your body. Generally this means it is time to change it up.

One great thing to introduce to your workouts are drop sets. This is where you start with a relatively heavy weight and in the same set you lower the weight and continue to do the same exercises. For example you can do lat pull downs with 100 lbs for 10 reps, instead of stopping there you lower the weight to 90 lbs and do another 10 reps then 80, 70, and 60. This will actually break your muscle down much farther than if you just did a single set of 10 reps at 100 lbs.

Another way to train is referred to as Tabata training. This is where you lift for a length of time. Meaning, you have a timer dictating when you are done with your set.

For example doing squats, instead of stopping at 10 reps you do squats for as many as you can for 30 seconds. But here is the magic of this style. It also cuts down your rest time because just like how you have a timer for exercise, you also have a timer for rest time before you start the lift again. This does amazing things in your body. Mentally you learn how to push yourself beyond fatigue. Physically your body needs to start calling on smaller muscle groups in order to finish the exercise and thanks to the shortened rest time your heart has a change to get stronger as well.

Changing the style of training is always great to give your body new things to adapt to in which yields much better results.