Super setting is a great way to break down the muscles, however by staking exercises you not only get the benefits of super sets but now you get to trigger Hypertrophy.

Hypertrophy in itself is just the increase growth of muscle cells in you body, however to get to this point it takes a lot of work.

First off you need to have enough strength to lift a weight that your body knows is a heavy resistance.

Second you need to be able to do plenty of reps with said heavy weight.

This workout gives you the chance to not only exhaust the muscle but it will also trigger that growth you are looking for.

If building size is not your goal, no worries you can simply lower the weight and do reps between 12 and 20 reps to get a nice toned muscle.

If you have any questions drop them in the comments below.

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Training By Audric

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I am here to help you hit your results